Jeff Reeds

Long-form writing is an art. But it still has to sell.
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I was the Expert Advice writer for REI, specializing in cycling, and later, skiing, and water sports.

Write up of the Panama Canal for API Travel (now Virtuoso).

Write up of Lake Tahoe for Trendwest Resorts.

Write up of Leavenworth, WA for Trendwest Resorts.

Round up of last-minute travel deals for API Travel (now Virtuoso). I was the editor/writer for this monthly magazine.

Write up off-the-beaten-path travel options for API Travel (now Virtuoso).

Write up of the ship, Swan Hellenic for API Travel (now Virtuoso).

API Travel's (now Virtuoso) Navigator magazine promoted various adventure travel packages and destinations. I was the assistant editor for this monthly magazine.